Come migliorare le relazioni al lavoro

Lo scrittore francese della Martinica Patrick Chamoiseau ha detto: «Quando si esce dalla relazione si entra nella barbarie».

Se vogliamo un mondo migliore dovremmo puntare su relazioni efficaci e riscoprire il valore non solo etico della relazione, senza limitarsi a quella tra persone, ma considerando anche quelle tra l’uomo e gli animali, l’uomo e gli oggetti, tra l’uomo e la natura per finire con quella tra l’uomo e l’ambiente.

In questo breve articolo mi riferisco solo a come migliorare le relazione in ambito lavorativo.

Ecco alcune idee per promuovere le tue relazioni, dalle quali puoi trarre ispirazione:

  • Laboratori “Lunch & Learn”: durante un pasto, un collega a turno presenta un argomento che lo affascina, che puó essere una sua lettura recente, un film che ha visto o una sua passione.
  • Riunioni… mentre si cammina! Uscire e camminare rende più facile esprimersi perché si respira dell’aria fresca e ci si muove. Non aver paura di invitare i tuoi colleghi, soci o persino clienti a unirsi a te per una chiacchierata mentre cammini.
  • Esci con il tuo team, per trascorrere del tempo libero con i colleghi e conoscerli meglio, lasciando da parte il lavoro.
  • Se hai a disposizione una piccola palestra nel posto dove lavori, organizza delle brevi sedute di allenamento con i tuoi colleghi.
  • Approfitta della pausa caffè, tè o quello che ti piace bere, per condividere un momento insieme ai tuoi colleghi.

Quali altri momenti speciali ti vengono in mente per coltivare le relazioni con chi ti circonda quotidianamente nella tua attività?

Sentiti libero di condividere le tue idee con me inviandomi un messaggio o lasciando un commento.

Indian Proverb

If you see all grey, move the elephant!

2019 is almost over and we will want to make a balance of what has been for us the closing year. Our successes, the difficulties we faced, what we would have liked but did not happen, what we would do differently. But is is also the time to think at the coming new year, what we would like to do, new projects, new perspectives. Maybe you could think at a meaningful phrase that you would transform into a mantra to take it with you all along the year, reminding you about the intentions you set but that you may forget.

I have chosen this Indian proverb. I know, the elephant is a big animal, very big indeed, it will be very difficult to move it! But I may look for someone to help me and then with a joint effort we could make it!

What about you? Would you think about choosing a leitmotiv for 2020!

But now let’s celebrate.

Happy New Year!

5 Myths about Entrepreneurs and Business People

I think that I am going to say something obvious now: being an entrepreneur or a business person is not easy. However, their personal and interpersonal characteristics and skills are not obvious. Some seem unrealistic and they are like myths. Here are five of them.

1.  Entrepreneurs love risk. There is nothing more false than that. Apart from some people, such as those, for example, who do extreme sports, entrepreneurs and business people prefer trying to control risks, like most of us. They analyse potential risks and draft a management plan for each category of risk they identify.

2. Entrepreneurs and business people are visionaries. Actually, they test their ideas day after day. Entrepreneurs and business people are very flexible people with a great spirit of adaptation. Their idea can also change dramatically because of the market needs.

3. Entrepreneurs and business people know how to make predictions. I think entrepreneurs and business people trust more what they do. Any prediction they can make is destined to clash with the reality that changes more and more quickly. Entrepreneurs and business people learn to trust their own intuition.

4. Entrepreneurs and business people are not like us. Well, yes, they are like us, they were not born entrepreneurs or business man/woman, but they have became one. Like all things, you can learn the art or science, as you prefer, of entrepreneurship. What is important is the business idea to be developed, the rarer or more unusual, the better. It is not even important to know how to draft a business plan. You could learn it in business schools or even download it from the Internet. The business plan may be useful to guide you through the business process and if you want to ask for financing or sponsorship. Entrepreneurs and business people try daily on the ground their business model and they learn from the market, from their customers and potential customers.

5. Entrepreneurs are successful on their own. This is also false: entrepreneurs and business people shall be able to count on a team and work with them. Nowadays it is unthinkable to be able to do everything by yourself. The things to do are thousands and sometimes complex, you need to work with many people with different competencies and skills, and that can easily work with each other.

Do you think you have any business skills? Let me know!