Exploring the Minsky Moment: Lessons from a Very Funny Coyote and Financial Instability

In the middle of a desert, a somewhat foolish coyote chases after a remarkably cunning bird, their pursuit escalating to breakneck speeds.

Then, abruptly, the bird halts at the edge of a precipice. Yet, the coyote, driven by instinct, continues its sprint heedlessly until it comprehends the futility of its strides – it finds itself suspended in mid-air.

This iconic scene is not merely the antics of Bee Beep and the coyote; it encapsulates a profound economic theory: the hypothesis of financial instability.

Hyman Minsky posited that within every period of economic prosperity lies the seeds of a future crisis. How so? The explanation is deceptively simple. During times of prosperity, economic agents — be they households, businesses, or the state — act with optimism. They borrow funds to fuel projects, investments, and expansion.

Amidst this optimistic climate, investors embrace higher risks; banks extend credit more liberally, often overlooking the perils of repayment. Minsky termed this phenomenon the “paradox of tranquility.”

However, as the economy becomes increasingly dependent on credit, ominous signs emerge: unemployment rises, economic growth falters, incomes shrink, and repayment becomes arduous. Yet, economic actors persist in their illusion of stability, akin to the hapless coyote suspended in mid-air.

A mere whisper of adversity can catalyze the “Minsky moment”: a sudden awakening to the perils of excess. Panic ensues as the realization dawns that risks are untenable, debts are insurmountable, and credit dries up.

The result? A systemic crisis: the coyote, too preoccupied to grasp its impending fall, plunges into the abyss. Such is the saga of financial instability in the real world.

Now, reflect for a moment: have you ever experienced a Minsky moment in your life?

As we ponder the parallels between the whimsical pursuits of cartoon characters and the sobering realities of economic theory, let us heed the lessons embedded within. Let us strive for prudence, resilience, and foresight in navigating the tumultuous landscapes of finance and life.

In a world where folly and wisdom often converge, let us endeavor to discern the difference and chart a course toward sustainable prosperity.

Are you prepared for your Minsky moment? Embrace the challenge, for within it lies the opportunity for growth, resilience, and renewal.

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Can One Person Make the Difference?

We live in a time of political uncertainty and perpetual conflict. While it’s easy to give up and say that you can’t change the world, that one person can’t make a difference, the inspiring life of Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) proves us wrong. Gandhi is the living embodiment of the values of democracy, and he inspires us to do good without ever giving up.
The Father of the Indian Nation

Leader of the Congress Party in 1921, Gandhi led national campaigns to reduce extreme poverty in India, give more rights to women, establish peace between hostile ethnic and religious groups, and gain the independence of the people. Perhaps his greatest legacy is the way he used non-violence to combat oppression, a belief adopted today by thousands of followers of peaceful resistance around the world. Indians often refer to him as the father of the nation. He owes his exceptional leadership to his way of building bridges between different communities: upper and lower caste Hindus, Muslims, Christians. Gandhi believes in the goodness of people, regardless of their religion, social class or gender. For him, no religion surpasses the pure force of true faith.

Strength of peaceful opposition

Eternally optimistic, Gandhi always believed in the ability of the human being to evolve towards a higher level of consciousness. This is what he demonstrated by leading by example into old age, turning every crisis and conflict into an opportunity for spiritual growth. “I never stopped being optimistic,” he said. « Even in the darkest moments, I always cultivated hope.».

Gandhi advocated religious harmony, he wanted equal rights for Muslims in India. When violence broke out between Muslims and Hindus, he resorted to fasting, repeatedly threatening to let himself die. He intended to be judged on deeds rather than words and firmly believed that his personal suffering would prompt men to lay down their arms.

Strengthened by this moral philosophy, his public and private life are closely linked. “Only the service of others makes it possible to apprehend the truth and discover the true nature,” he confides. He clearly showed us the power of peaceful opposition in the face of oppression, injustice and brutality.

However, non-violence is not about abstaining from any real struggle. It took a lot of courage for him to confront the violence and strengthen his convictions. “I oppose violence,” he once said, “because when it seems to produce good, the resulting good is only transitory, while the evil produced is permanent.”. Tragically, the irony is that Gandhi’s life ends in violence. He was assassinated on January 30, 1948 by the Hindu nationalist Nathuram Godse. Nearly 70 years after his death, the legacy he left us continues to live on and remains a true source of inspiration. In 2007, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2 October, Gandhi’s birthday, the International Day of Non-Violence.

Leading by example

Gandhi’s life served as a shining example to many political leaders including Martin Luther King, Václav Havel and Nelson Mandela, all of whom fought for social change. Their powerful message to us is to respect human dignity and reject intolerance. This is something we should all think about, especially considering the current political climate, where so many countries seem deeply divided in their way of thinking, that it would seem that there are two nations instead of one. While it is tempting to read the news and conclude that you cannot change anything about this sad situation, it is enough to remember Mahatma Gandhi and how he embodied the change he wanted to see in the world to convince yourself otherwise. One person can make a difference; our best hope for the future is to look to those men, women and movements that have positively acted in the past.

Do you think you can make the difference with your behaviours?

one black chess piece separated from red pawn chess pieces
Make the Difference – Photo by Markus Spiske on Pexels.com

Indian Proverb

If you see all grey, move the elephant!

2019 is almost over and we will want to make a balance of what has been for us the closing year. Our successes, the difficulties we faced, what we would have liked but did not happen, what we would do differently. But is is also the time to think at the coming new year, what we would like to do, new projects, new perspectives. Maybe you could think at a meaningful phrase that you would transform into a mantra to take it with you all along the year, reminding you about the intentions you set but that you may forget.

I have chosen this Indian proverb. I know, the elephant is a big animal, very big indeed, it will be very difficult to move it! But I may look for someone to help me and then with a joint effort we could make it!

What about you? Would you think about choosing a leitmotiv for 2020!

But now let’s celebrate.

Happy New Year!